Chemical Peels

Chemical peels act by removing part of the top layer of the skin and help remove superficial skin blemishes revealing a smoother more radiant skin.

Superficial peels are derived from sugar cane or other plants and have a short recovery time: the skin may be slightly red or flaky for a few days but this is not usually enough to interfere with everyday activity. They are usually done as a series of treatments. Medium depth peels remove a thicker layer of skin and may result in greater improvement, but cause significant redness and peeling which takes at least a week or two to resolve.

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Do I need any special preparation?

In the couple of weeks before a glycolic acid peel it is usually helpful to try a light glycolic acid cleanser and/or moisturizer. This is to prepare your skin for the glycolic acid peel and to check that you are not unusually allergic to glycolic acid. Strong exfoliators, microdermabrasion and topical retinoids should be avoided in the week before the superficial peel. Men should not shave on the day of the peel.

What will I look like afterwards?

Immediately after the peel, the skin may look slightly red, like after mild sunburn. Over the next few days you may notice slight peeling and flaking but this should not interfere with your everyday activity and will settle over a couple of days.

How often should the treatment take place?

In order to obtain the most benefit from superficial peels a series of peels is used. The usual time interval between peels is two to four weeks. At each successive treatment, the time the peel is in contact with the skin is gradually increased until five minutes is reached, and then the strength of the peel is increased.

Medium Depth Peels

Medium depth peels, performed with trichloracetic acid (TCA), remove a slightly thicker layer of skin and therefore produce a more significant improvement. However following a medium depth peel the skin becomes very red and peels for a minimum of one or two weeks, and it is usually necessary to take time off work in the week after treatment while the skin recovers from this deeper peel.

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