One of the most common complaints we hear from clients concerned about the ageing of their skin is “sagging.” As we age, the rate of new collagen and elastin production reduces. Furthermore, excessive sun exposure breaks down the existing collagen and elastin. In certain areas, particularly the face, there is loss of volume of the underlying fat compartments and bone. All of these factors contribute to the development of looser skin and the appearance of “sagging.”
Although excessively loose skin can be removed through plastic surgery, for many people this is too extreme and results in surgical scars that can be worse than the original problem.
Fortunately, new technology is now available which tightens the skin without any recovery time. We have two of the best skin tightening devices: Sofwave (which uses ultrasound) and Fotona SP Dynamis (which uses laser). These devices deliver heat under the skin to tighten the existing collagen bundles and to stimulate production of new collagen. As these devices deliver the heat under the skin but do not affect the surface of the skin, this means that they have no recovery time and can be done as a ”lunch-time” procedure. Sometimes clients see an immediate tightening result, but the full tightening effect occurs 3-6 months later. These treatments can be done separately or together. Done repeatedly, they usually result in gradual tightening of the skin.