Laser Treatment to Bring Acne Under Control

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At Dermatology Consulting, we use two methods of laser to improve acne.

1. Pulse Dye Laser (585nm).

This laser was originally developed to treat red birthmarks in babies. It is used at much gentler settings for treating red scars. By doing so it reduces the enlarged blood vessels that are contributing to the redness and development of the scar. The treatment is very gentle. Cool air is blown on the skin at the same time so most patients feel hardly anything apart from a soft warm flick on the skin through the cool air. The treatment can be repeated every 2-6 weeks. It can be done on all age groups and on hair-bearing skin, as it does not remove hair. It is not suitable for individuals who have darker skin, but such individuals tend not to have red scars so do not need this treatment. There is no recovery time.

One or two sessions of the pulse dye laser can be very helpful to add into any acne treatment programme to speed up the reduction of redness and reduce the risk of scarring. It is a useful and simple addition to any acne treatment plan and takes 5-15 minutes. It starts at £85 for up to 5 spots, £95 for up to 30 spots and £150 for more than 30 spots. One or two sessions of the pulse dye laser can be very helpful to add into any acne treatment programme to speed up the reduction of redness and reduce the risk of scarring.

As it does not hurt, it is suitable for all ages.

2. Fotona Long Pulse NdYag Laser

The long pulse NdYag laser (1064nm wavelength) by Fotona has been shown to improve acne. It acts by destroying the bacteria called Cutibacterium acnes or Propionibacterium acnes which contributes to acne and also by shrinking the over-active oil glands.

It involves passing the laser beam several times over the skin with a very long pulse duration then a very short pulse duration.

Cool air is blown on the skin so that the laser is hardly felt at all.

If done repeatedly on hair-bearing skin it may reduce hair growth, but these areas tend not to have such severe acne and the pulse dye laser can be done on hair bearing skin.

The skin looks normal afterwards (i.e. there is no recovery time) and it can be done on skin of all colours or with a tan. It is suitable for all ages.  The treatment is best done twice a week initially and then the frequency is reduced as the acne improves. A package of 8 treatments on the face is £1155.

Both these lasers are best used alongside a good skin care routine, prescription creams, microdermabrasion or HydraFacial and LED lights and we offer monthly combined packages of all of these treatments for our acne patients.

Ready to learn more? Contact Dermatology Consulting today.

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